Pediatric Office Furniture is the premier pediatric online decorating resource for colorful waiting room chairs, children’s waiting room furniture and toys for a waiting room.
Our Story
Pediatric Office Furniture had humble beginnings with two stay at home moms, our President, Jeanette Taylor, and her sister Melanie, each with a few toddlers in tow. Jeanette ran an art studio for teaching children how to draw and between the two of them, they were gifted with 10 budding artists. After visiting a few pediatric offices for check-ups, she noticed that the artwork was often stale (predominately cartoon and movie characters) or did not truly represent the heart and mind of a child. That's when our parent company, Artwork By Kids was

born in 2004. We took the children’s artwork and hand painted it into picture size paintings. We progressed to digitally painting the files and printing them out to market and sell. In time, we started adding the colorful Bola chairs to match our artwork, and the rest is history! We loved working with pediatric offices to help them design their pediatric office waiting room in colorful and bright plastic and vinyl upholstered chairs and waiting room couches. In 2010, we picked up more furniture vendors and Pediatric Office Furniture was born.
Presently, Pediatric Office is recognized as one of the leading resources in providing pediatric medical offices (including pediatric dental and doctors offices), sport complexes, children’s libraries, waiting room furniture. waiting room couches and children’s waiting room furniture and toys. We enjoy the process of helping you pick out colors, sending out vinyl samples and finding just the right fit for the perfect and colorful waiting room chairs, magnetic wall games, comfortable waiting room couches, and even café chairs for your break room. We believe that waiting room furniture provides an essential first impression and enhances your entire office for your patients. We are constantly adding products and creating beautiful and fun pediatric office environments for a comfortable and entertaining reception area that will set your pediatric office medical waiting room apart from all the rest.